Insee Focus · April 2024 · n° 325
Insee FocusWinter tourist season 2024: The Alps remain attractive, business tourism declines sharply

Gilles Valaison (Insee)

Attendance in collective tourist accommodation in France during the winter season of 2024 was nearly stable (+0.2%) compared to the winter season of 2023, which had exceeded pre-pandemic levels for the first time. Leisure tourism experienced a significant increase, compensating for the sharp decline in business tourism. The attendance of resident clientele declined after a significant rebound following the crisis. Non-resident clientele, both European and non-European, confirmed their return to hotels. Except for the Alps, attendance decreased in mountainous areas. This was also the case in dense urban areas, affected by the decline in business hotel attendance.

Insee Focus
No 325
Paru le :Paru le30/04/2024